User IDs & Passwords

We strongly recommend that all staff who will have access to the CRS are given their own User ID and password with which to log in. This will serve to improve accountability, as bookings will be recorded against a particular person, but more importantly - it helps to maintain the security of your system.

Individual user profiles should be created for new staff members when they start working for you, and be promptly deactivated when they cease employment, so that you can be sure that only people currently in your employ are accessing your CRS at any given time.

To create a new user or edit and existing profile, select Setup Your Business and Users from the main navigation bar.

(Please note, this menu item is not available to all user permission types. If you don't have access to this option but believe that you should, please speak to an Administrator user within your company. We can advise who these users are if you're unsure - contact 

A list will appear of all the active user profiles associated with your company.

To find a deactivated user profile, tick 'Include inactive records'. Inactive records can be reactivated at any time, such as when a staff member returns to employment after having spent time away.

The Search field can be used to filter the results.

Editing Users or Updating Passwords

To edit an existing user, click into the record by selecting either their User ID or the 'Edit' icon to the right of the table. 

All the user information except for the Password will be displayed.

To update any of the user information, make changes to the record as required and click 'Save Changes'.

The Password can be updated by typing a new password into both the Password and Verify Password fields (and then clicking 'Save Changes'). This will become active immediately.

Creating New Users

To create a new Webuser, click the + symbol at the top of the page. 

Fill in the form as follows: 

  • User ID - Used with the Password to log in.
  • First Name / Last Name - Name of the staff member who the login is for. 
  • Description  - Optional.
  • Email - Please provide a suitable email for this staff member.
  • Permission - See section below on the Permission levels available.
  • Password - Must contain at least 6 characters.
  • Active - This box must be ticked in order for the profile to work.

Click Save New to create the new Webuser.

Permission Levels

  • Agent and Operator Administrator - The highest permission level. These users have access to all features of the Central Reservation System. 
  • Agent and Operator - This type of login is much more limited; restricting access to just the key booking functions of making, locating and editing bookings, and viewing existing reservations. These users cannot issue passwords for new staff members, update existing user profiles, or manage trip availability.
  • Operator Base Login - This login type is for Operator Trade Listings i.e. providing business and product information to the RTBS Agents Trade Manual Online where bookings are on a 'Call to Check Availability' basis.
  • Operator Day Notes - This type of login allows the user to only view Day Notes that have been entered on the Manage Bookings screen. The very lowest permission level; these users can't access any other pages of the Central Reservation System.
  • Custom Permission Levels - These can be set by the Agent and Operator Administrator User - please contact RTBS Support to enable access.