Setting Up New Activities


Creating a new activity in RTBS requires the following steps:

  1. Create an Activity Record.

  2. Create Price Type(s) for the Activity (ie Adult, Per Person, Family, Picnic Lunch).

  3. Create a Price Schedule for each Price Type (setting the $ rate for a date range).

  4. Create a Master Schedule for the date/time(s) the activity will occur.

'Duplicate' Function

For each step of the process, a new record can be created either by clicking the button at the top of the page, or by duplicating an existing record. Duplicating is most useful for detailed records such as the Activity Record, or when a new record needs to be created that is very similar to one already in the system.

Step 1: Create an Activity Record

Go to: Setup Your Activities → Activities

The Activity Record contains the basic settings and descriptions for the activity.

Click the + symbol to start from scratch, or use the ‘Duplicate’ button to copy from an existing one. Fill in the fields as required.

For help understanding any of the settings or text fields within this record, see The Activity Record.

Step 2: Create Price Type(s) for the Activity

Go to Setup Your Activities → Price Types

Each unit that will be available for purchase in regards to this activity needs to be set up in RTBS as a Price Type. Click the symbol to create a new Price Type and fill in the fields as required.

Passenger Count

How many spaces a booking for that unit takes from the total trip capacity. E.g. For Adult/Child/Per Person this would be '1'. For Family Passes, it should be set at '4' or '5', depending on how many people are included in the Family Pass.

For 'Non-pax' Price Types that don't affect trip capacity (such as Picnic Lunches, Photo CDs, etc), assign a Passenger Count of '0'.

Operator Only Price

Only tick this option if want the price to be hidden from all external booking pages - i.e. Only available internally to your staff through your CRS.

For more information on creating Price Types and an explanation of each of the settings available, see the chapter Creating & Updating Prices and scroll down to the sections 'Price Types' and 'Creating New Price Types'. 

Step 3: Create a Price Schedule for Each Price Type

Go to Setup Your Activities → Price Schedules

Once you have created the unit types (Price Types), the next step is to assign each with it's current rate. You can also set up upcoming prices if desired.

Click the symbol to create a new Price Schedule, and fill in the fields as required.

Web Visibility

If you would like the rate to show on your RTBS web booking page, the 'Web Visibility' setting must either be one of the 'Website Rate' options or 'Public, Agent, Grab N Activity'.

Operator Only Price

Only tick this option if want the price to be hidden from all external booking pages - i.e. Only available internally to your staff through your CRS.

For more information on creating Price Schedules, see the chapter Creating & Updating Prices and scroll to the section 'Creating a New Price Schedule'.

Step 4: Create a Master Schedule for the Date/Time(s) the Activity will Occur

The final step to make the activity available for bookings is to schedule it.

Activities schedules can be created in bulk through the page 'Master Schedules' or individually through the option 'Add One-Off Trip' found under the date menu on Manage Bookings.

If the activity runs to a regular schedule or is available 'On Demand' every day, go to Setup Your Activities → Master Schedules to create a bulk schedule for it.

If the activity time changes daily, or if the activity is a charter product that can only be booked directly, you may prefer to use the option 'Add One-Off Trip'.

For more information on these options, see Activity Master Schedules and One-Off Trips.

Additional Settings

The Activity should now be available for bookings, in accordance with the Visibility settings assigned in the 'General' tab of the Activity Record.

However, certain additional settings may need to be configured by RTBS Support to complete the setup. Please email to update any of the following for your new activity:

Web Booking Page Filters

If activity filters have been applied to your RTBS web booking page(s) (i.e. So only certain activities are displayed on the page), please email us a request to update these filters with the following information:

  • The Name of the new Activity
  • The URL of the booking page(s) you would like to see the new Activity listed on

Custom Fields

If custom fields have been set up in the past (such as 'Height', 'Weight', 'Accommodation', 'How did you hear about us?', etc) and you would like these fields assigned to either the new activity or to particular Price Types belonging to the new Activity,  custom fields are now located   -  Setup Your Activities - Custom Fields

  • Click on the Field Name
  • The field or Question will either be linked to An Activity (for fields with a single answer/choice per booking) or  Price Types (for fields with a single answer/choice per passenger/unit) 
  • Click on the box to the left of the Activity Name or Price Type to link the Question to the Activity or Price Type -Save Changes

Capacity Sharing

If you have an existing Capacity Sharing arrangement that the new activity should be included in, or you would like to set up Capacity Sharing, please email us with an overview of your resource limitations and we'll discuss what sharing options are available.

Note: If you duplicated an existing Activity Record with Capacity Sharing settings to create the Activity Record for the new Activity, these settings will have been applied and may need updating. You can turn the sharing off by un-ticking 'Share Capacity' in the Advanced tab of the Activity Record, or contact us for further assistance.

Trip Info Fields

SetUp Your Activities→Trip Info Fields

Trip Info fields are designed for use by an operator to provide additional information about a tour either before any bookings are 
made or, when an Operator is making manual bookings in the CRS, or as a tour is in progress in order to record more information
about the customers or activity on a particular tour.
The Trip Info can be applied to the tour or activity by selecting the drop down on the left hand side beside that tour.
If an operator wants customers to self-select information at time of booking in addition to those entered with Trip Info by the operator for manual bookings, then Custom Fields can be set up.
Manage Bookings view drop down menu left side of tour:
Pop up menu Preset Trip Info selection options: